The Command Line Interface

Seamlessly create, upload, and check files for plagiarism—all without touching a browser.

The CLI empowers you to upload and check files at lightning speed.
It's open-source, built on Node.js, and runs seamlessly on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Take control and start programmatically checking your files.
Interacting with our code plagiarism checker has never been this effortless.

Codequiry - Plagiarism Checker for Code
Our Mission

Codequiry aims to achieve an equally fair environment for fields relating to computer science by preventing the use of unoriginal and plagiarised code. The first step to preserving academic integrity and original source code starts here.


Disclaimer: The brand images are copyrighted by their respective owners, and we have no affiliation with them. The brands listed represent teams using Codequiry under personal, team, or enterprise plans. Codequiry is utilized by over 5,000 teams globally. Teams and individuals at these organizations can use Codequiry without needing a company-wide plan or contract, except for the professional version.

© 2018-2025 Codequiry LLC., Intelligent Plagiarism Solutions, Inc.